Sunday, January 10, 2010


Frozen, so cold the rabbits don't come out and play anymore under the apple tree in my front yard. The grass is invisible under the white layer that keeps it frozen until it's time to breathe again in the spring. White everything, on the roads and sidewalks and building tops. Footprints everywhere take you nowhere you need to go because it's too cold. Ice is not clear it is black and will make you sorry if you tread on it wrong. One wrong step and you will go down to the frozen ground around you, stopping only when the ice says it's time. Injured and frozen you won't move until you're warm again but you can't be warm because it's so damn cold.

In This Place

Taking all this in for my time here is not relevant. I won't be here forever and that makes me wonder about now. Taking all this in for my time here is not forever, and I will be gone before anyone has a chance to catch up. Take me where I should be because here is not that place, and I don't feel like I belong no matter where I go. I am not lost I am not lonely I am not losing my mind much anymore. Here is where I am but not where I should be. I know it's all wrong and I know it's all right where I left it before I came to this place. The space between my ears rings and reminds me of another time and place better than this and better than now and I want to get there and I can't leave or I'll be lost again because the place is gone and this place is all there is left.